2019 - 2023 School Strategic Plan / 2019-2023 Okul Stratejik Planı

29.11.2020 531


SWOT (Strong, Weak, Opportunity, Threat) Analysis

The school identification, employee information, building information, technological resource information and income expense information provided in our school's basic statistics, and the areas open to problems and development as a result of stakeholder surveys are evaluated as internal and external factors and are indicated in the SWOT table. Therefore, the results of the surveys that measure the phenomenon and the surveys that measure the perception are combined in a single analysis.

Strengths and weaknesses of the institution express the strengths and weaknesses arising from it in a wide range of areas such as equipment, materials, employees, business skills, and corporate communication, and the main factor is distinguished from the scope of the school principal / directorate based on the distinction between internal and external factors.

Internal Factors


Students Our students' tendency to puzzle, mind games

Employees Lack of polarization and good communication between employees

Building and Campus School garden having a large area

Management Processes School management's involvement of other employees in the decision phase

Communication Processes A strong and fast communication between the school administration and parents, teachers and students


Students not paying due attention to the school and their education

Staff Institutional culture not fully formed

The absence of Building and Campus Special classes (Science Laboratory, Painting workshop, Music class, IT Class, etc.) adversely affects school success.

Budget Parents' low economic status


External Factors


The economic school is located in the neighborhood of the economically high level of people's summer places

Technological School administration to have sufficient knowledge in software and informatics use threats

The fact that house rents are high in the Economic Settlement causes our teachers to reside in different neighborhoods, which negatively affects teachers' performance and participation in non-working activities.

Sociological Parents' sociological development levels limit their contribution to education and their importance.

The fact that the school is in the tourism region and the easy job of unskilled personnel in the business line affects students' interest in education negatively.

Technological The lack of sufficient number of parents in the technological field limits the school on communication.

Although the Legislative-Legal School garden is large, the lack of economic income from the garden legally limits the school.

Development and Problem Areas

It is ensured that the results of the development and problem areas analysis and the SWOT analysis are related to the future orientation section of the plan and from this point, targets, indicators and actions are determined.

Access to Education, Quality in Education and Institutional Capacity, which are the three main themes related to education and training activities, are used in the separation of development and problem areas. Access to education, processes related to student's access to and completion of educational activities; The stage of preparing the education and training process for life, including quality in education, academic success, social and cognitive development and employment; Institutional capacity, on the other hand, indicates the capacity that supports the education and training process such as institutional structure, corporate culture, equipment, and building.

Access to Education Quality in Education Institutional Capacity

Schooling Rate Academic Success Institutional Communication

School Attendance / Absenteeism Social, Cultural and Physical Development Corporate Governance

Adaptation to School, Orientation Class Repetition, Building and Campus

Individuals in Need of Special Education Employability and Guidance Hardware

Foreign Students Teaching Methods Cleaning, Hygiene

Lifelong Learning Lesson tools Business Safety, School Safety

Transport and service

